yes...you guessed it!
i just wanted to talk a little about the rollei 35 camera -- what a beauty!
and its not just looks either, as many of you may know already. its almost unbelievable how the engineers managed to squeeze so much into such a tiny little space!
i have have the top model--the 35S with the schneider lens, although i also had another one with the tessar lens too and there's very little between them both.
but the photos i took with it have been enlarged to 12" by 12" and would you believe it, theyre so good!
i was chatting to a friend of mine who repairs cameras for a living (itself a dying trade!) and he was saying that if the rollei was manufactured today, the cost would be over $2000, or even more!
so if you have a rollei, or are thinking of getting one, bide your time till you can get the 35S or 35SE -- you may pay a little more but by golly will you have a fantastic little performer!