the mellow mornings of autumn are now with us (yes, yes, intermixed with gallons of rain as well..!!)and this is one of the best times of year i enjoy the most.
im one of those guys who tends to try and get his daily "stuff" done as early as possible, leaving plenty of time in the day free for other things. so what i do every morning is get my 18 month old alsation simba, out for his daily walk.
we are blessed as there is a large park just 10mins walk away where we live, so soon as we reach it, i let simba off his leash and he bounds away after the squirrels, which he has never managed to catch!
the morning walk takes place around 8am, so at that time, there's hardly anyone around.
and we do this in any weather -- rains, snow or shine!
on today's walk, i noticed that some of the trees in the park had developed dramatic colours in their leaves, and in the muted light of early morning looked so bright and cheeful.
so i collected some of the fallen ones, brought them home and took a few photos for you all to see -- i hope you like the one above!