Friday, 31 December 2010

as the year draws to a close, and what a year its been, our thoughts turn to what the new year will bring.

now, at this point, there are 2 ways in which our thinking will head, depending on what kind of people we inherently are -- we either look forward optimistically to all the positive things that may happen, or we start whingeing about whether we'll survive another year....!

here's where i put up my hands and admit that i do like a good moan now and then, and my wife always reins me in from going too far into the abyss of whingeing! there is a limit to how far to take our complaining, as if we push it too far, as i have done sometimes, it can lead to an immense feeling of utter desolation and depression!

so, in a nutshell, i will say here and now, that yes, for sure, i'll have a moan or 3, but thats about it...after that, i'll be my usual cheerful self!

and whats this all got to do with film photography, i hear you all say? well, a lot see, when i go around with my camera taking pot shots here and there, i always get funny looks from everyone, probably thinking what a fool he is for using silly old cameras, but i just smile back in my self-assured smugness!

for i know, come what may, i will carry on using film, as long as there's a sun in the sky....and digital? well, yes, i have one of those too, but when i want to be creative in the proper sense of the word, out comes my roll of 400TX and my olympus trip camera...!

here's wishing all my readers a very healthy, wealthy and peaceful new year!

see you in the new year!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

every now and then, we all get fed up taking shots with our cameras, whether they be film or digital.

call it information-overload or some-such, it pays sometimes to get away from all that stuff and try something at grass-roots level. and what could that be?

well, pinhole cameras, of course! i have made many, many types of pinhole camera, all of them using simple items found in any home.

and the photos i got were so unique that i was inundated with requests from friends, and foes, to either make them one,or else show them how.

so what i did was get together everything that i used, and how i did it, and put it all together in a little e-book form.

ok, if you have always wanted to try pinhole cameras, why not make your own? just message me via twitter here and i'll send you the plans 100% FREE of charge!

remember the olympus pen f? yes, the one that gave you 72 photos from each and every 35mm roll of film?

and it was so unique, that it had absolutely no competition at all! and the quality of results it gave was so astonishing, even hardened leica users purchased it in droves!

well, i have one of them for sale, complete with it's original macro bellows. check it out here >> or