Friday 28 May 2010

well, here i am again this morning!

now, as we were saying yesterday, imho film is THE place to be.

firstly, and as many of you enthusiasts out there will agree, there's nothing on this good earth that compares to the magic of taking a photo, and then processing your own film -- that magical moment when your shot mysteriously appears on your paper in that plastic tray is incomparable!

and if you have heard the "horror" stories about colour processing, getting the temperature right etc etc, well, you dont have to go for colour -- just stick to monochrome, which is far easier.

thats how is started and carry on to this day!

all you need to start is a film camera of course, a changing bag and a few other items, to get you developing your very first film.

then, if you want to go a step further, you can carry on into printing your own photos too.

more on this later.....

Thursday 27 May 2010

well it is!
i'm finally kickstarting this blog at long last, after opening an account over 2 years ago!

yes, you may be wondering why it took me so long--well, it IS a long story, and one i dont wanna go into just yet, being as this is, my first excursion (or should that be incursion...?) into blogging.

but never may well be treated to some of my history and experiences pretty soon, so try and keep a note of me if you can.

as the name suggests, this is where i will be talking to you about one, just one, of the many love affairs i have in my life...but wait...dont expect anything sexual or suchlike here!

i know, i know, you are all saying that film is dead or dying--well, i dont agree with that, so there!

why do i say that? we'll talk about that tomorrow! keep it here, same time, same channel...