Saturday, 19 June 2010

my favourite times are those when i use my medium format cameras.

and the fab one i like using is the yashica twin lens reflex, which i used to see my dad using when i was just a wee bairn (for those who dont understand scottish terminology, bairn means child!!).

funnily enough, that was probably what started the love of cameras in me, as i remember always wanting to use it but was never allowed to until i was about 14 years old!

i can understand that, as cameras in those days were very expensive indeed, and wages were only around £16 a week (thats around $25 a week!!), so money was short.

my dada used to fill one of those shopping trolley for a whole £3, i recall -- try doing that now!

anyway, when i first started using the yashica all those years agom b&w film was cheapest, and so i stuck to using that, and only later on did i realise the beautiful efects you get using mono. the rest is history!

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