for all you film enthusiasts out there, here's some welcome news you may not have known about one of the worlds best known and best performing developer!
yes, its RODINAL....the monochrome artist's dream and perhaps one of the most versatile developers ever made!
Virtually indestructible, it can survive for years and still be used to develop films -- absolutely amazing!!
i certainly used to work with it every time, all those years ago, until one day i heard that Agfa had discontinued it...i was literally shattered, as you would be if you'd lost a friend or something!
i mean, aside of being the best developer by far, its keeping qualities were out of this world...im sure you've heard all sorts of anecdotes from your friends about Rodinal. anyway, Rodinal is now available again, made under licence by another company, but to the very same exacting specifications.
here i have teamed up Rodinal developer with Rollei fixer, a formidable duo, if ever there was one....watch out Batman...!
300ml size -- MAKES 15 litres !! THIS SPECIAL PACK WILL LAST YOU AGES!
This set of Rodinal developing liquid and Rollei fixer has been chosen specifically because they both complement each other.
A darkroom worker has two major enemies - dust and oxygen. with this new design of packing, once you have used the fluids, the excess air can be squeezed out of the pack, thereby ensuring oxygen free storage -- the carton's technology works by literally squeezing air out as the chemical is used, thereby offering the prospect of a never-ending active life from the liquid if the softpack is used correctly.
Based on the p-aminophenol chemical, RO9 is a great mixing one-shot developer. Featuring very good contour sharpness and a high speed yield, it is a highly concentrated, very sharp working film developer. It is recommended for use with slow or medium speed films at a dilution of 1+25 or 1+50 for real economy. For specialist films you can even use it at dilutions of 1+300.
Rollei Fixer (also 300ml size)
Considered by many to be the World's Best Fixer, this highly concentrated liquid ammonium thiosulphate fixer has all the benefits of all fixers, but because it has been developed for use with X-Rays as well as photographic film and papers, it is lightning quick.
At a standard dilution of 1+9 it will fix RC paper in 3 minutes but at 1+4 it will fix paper in just 60 seconds. When speed is important, as in photographic departments, this fixer can minimize queues. You will also appreciate its extremely long keeping qualities!!
Price: £26.95 plus £9.25 shipping UK. International shipping £18.99
Payment: Paypal, NOCHEX, direct bank transfer or personal cheque (UK only)
Email me on harsum888@yahoo.com to purchase.
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