Well, it's about time I paid more attention to this, my very first blog!
A lot of my time has been taken up by my other blog at Wordpress, so I haven't had much time to freshen up my first love here on Blogger!
So, as you may have noticed, although this will ALWAYS be the home of everything to do with film photography, I have decided not be a stick-in-the-mud and introduce a little bit about digital as well (eeeek!).
Fortunately, technology is a double-edged sword -- on the one hand, it has taken a lot of people away from film, but on the other hand, it does have a lot of advantages for all of us, whether we use film or not.
For example, I always get a huge amount of questions from beginners to photography, asking me what camera I can recommend. I flip the question over and tell them to start off with a cheapo digicam, and once they have got the hang of using a camera, composing a shot etc etc, then they can move onto a film camera.
Why do I suggest that? Well, let's look at it from the beginner's point of view; he/she will be just beginning, and so, more than likely, will want to keep their spending within a budget, so the last thing a beginner would want to do is spend £££s (or $$$ !) on developing and printing film which may have 90% dud shots on it! If they use a digicam, at least the spend will be very much lower (aside from buying the digicam in the first place of course).
And here's my confession -- I always try and use my ancient 2 megapixel digicam first; if I like the result, I whip out my film camera and take my final shot with that. Of course, if I'm on a street shoot, I never have time to take shots on the digicam; in that scenario, it's just shoot, shoot, shoot, as fast as possible and hope to hell you've captured the shot you wanted!
So there you are! A lot of changes will be coming to this blog, though nothing drastic! I will be offering more beautiful cameras from my collection as well, so please drop in when you can and thank you for your time.
PS the lovely Olympus Trip with hand-customised Green Lizard effect covering is coming up for sale very soon here! Be the first one to own it!
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